Discrimination for Everyone

The big news in Kansas this week, at least in my circle, has been House Bill 2453.  This bill is better known as the religious freedom bill.  It looks like this bill may be dead, but this is Kansas.  If this one dies, another one will come along shortly.

As a lesbian who is also a Christian, I think I could really put this bill to use. And as we all know, not all Christian religions were created equal, so being a fellow Christian does not guarantee that you are safe from my discrimination.

I need to be prepared, so if this bill or a similar one passes, please expect to receive the following questionnaire before we interact.  This includes past friends and business acquaintances, I don’t want to accidentally interact with someone I should have discriminated against.

1.  Are you religious?

Yes            No

If you answered yes, please proceed to question 2.  If you answered no, please note that this is not a deal breaker but may be taken into consideration at any time. (My religion does not discriminate against those who aren’t religious, but I don’t want to lose any future opportunities.)  Skip to question 5.

2.  Do you consider yourself Christian?

Yes            No

If you answered yes, please proceed to question 2.  If you answered no, please skip to question 5.

3.  Does your religion believe that the wine and bread are actually the blood and body of Christ or just representations?

If you answered that the wine and bread are just representations, proceed to question 4.  If you answered that the wine and bread are actually the blood and body of Christ, return the questionnaire and walk away.  My religion does not believe the same as you and having any business with you is a threat to my religion.

4.  Does your religion believe that women are less equal than men in any way?  For example, are women forbidden from being members of clergy?

Yes            No

If you answered no, please proceed to question 5.  If you answered yes, return the questionnaire and walk away.  My religion does not believe the same as you and having any business with you is a threat to my religion.

5.  Do you believe that LGBT people are just like everyone else and should be treated as such?

Yes            No

If you answered no, return the questionnaire and walk away.  My religion does not believe the same as you and having any business with you is a threat to my religion.

Congratulations!  We can now interact at a superficial level.  Please be advised that I may require you to complete other questionnaires in the future if I feel the nature of our interactions justify it.

Think this is idiotic?  So do I.

A Gay Schism in the Alliance

Day 1:  I was asked to write a profile for ONE.

ONE is a publication by our local Ministerial Alliance.  The Ministerial Alliance is a nonprofit made up of many local churches from many denominations.  It is distributed in the local churches as well as the local newspaper.

Day 2 – 7:  I procrastinate and write nothing for the profile.

Day 8: I begin writing the profile.  I answer all the questions given to me except for my favorite Bible passage.  I hate picking favorites (as my son well knows).

Day 9:  I suck it up and pick a favorite Bible passage.  Upon finishing the profile, I email my responses to my pastor.

It will be important later for you to know that my pastor is the editor of ONE.

Day 10:  I hear from my pastor that the board of the Ministerial Alliance is worried that my family will be harmed as a result of them printing my profile and that my profile could cause a division within the alliance.  Thus, they have decided to not run my profile.  My pastor is writing an article for the same edition of ONE and wants to include my profile in her article.

Day 11: I learn first that my pastor has resigned her position as editor of ONE.  She submits her article, which includes my profile, to the board for publication.

Day 11 cont.: The Profile of Faith coordinator resigns.  My pastor contacts our Bishop to give a heads up of the current happenings involving the church and my profile.

Day 12: The Bishop returns words of encouragement.  We learn that the Ministerial Alliance has decided not to run my pastor’s article.  I decide that my profile will be read, even if the only place it is published is my blog.

Below is the article written by my pastor and rejected for publication by ONE.  Within her article is my profile.  I was emailed questions and asked to answer them.  That format is how they appear.

“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness,” proclaims the songwriter.  As we begin 2014, those words of where our hope is truly found are important words for me to remember and always live into.  I know that when I place my hope in other places, it can be a slippery slope.  I was reminded of that truth this past week.

This is how I was reminded that I must always and only place my hope in Jesus Christ. Trinity Lutheran Church was asked to submit a Profile of Faith for the January issue of ONE. The theme of this issue is hope and newness.  As Pastor, after prayer and consideration, I choose my Council President whom I have experienced as an individual who has an incredible story of faith and hope.

After emailing the submission, I was contacted because I am also the Editor of ONE.  It was recommended that running the profile might cause the family harm or hurt.  There was also a concern that the profile might cause a division in the Ellis County Ministerial Alliance.  Because of those reasons, as Editor of the ONE, I have chosen not to run it as the Profile of Faith. I do not wish either of these things to happen in our community; harm to a family or Christian disunity.  I believe that our God is a God of hope that is big enough to bridge our division and bring us together at the cross and the empty tomb.

I have however chosen to run it as my article. Please note that each column in the ONE represents the view of the author and it is not necessarily a view of the ONE publication or its member churches. As you read Natalie’s profile, I invite you to consider what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves and to believe in the hope that is found in Christ our Lord.  Please know I do not mean this to cause hurt or division.  I share Natalie’s Profile of Faith with her permission and with you only to point out how the power of the love of God is amazing and healing.

My hope and prayer for 2014 is that all of us can find that depth of God’s love that allows us to experience his unconditional love and grace.  May we, having experienced that depth of love, then be able to share that kind of love with all our neighbors in 2014 and beyond.

Name: Natalie

Hometown/how long there:  Hays, since 2002

Age: 33

Church/how long a member:  Trinity Lutheran Church, member since 2004

Occupation/how long:  Office Manager/Billing Specialist for 1 year.  Also, customer service agent for 5 months

Immediate family: wife: Carrie, daughter: Emma, son: Connor

Church activities/groups:  TLC Council, Mutual Ministry, Choir

Favorite Bible passage(s):  Matthew 12:1-8

Briefly share a story about how your faith has had an effect on your life:

As a lesbian, there was a time in my life when I felt condemned by my faith.  However, my journey of telling friends and family about my sexual orientation led me to a deeper faith in Jesus.  I was fortunate enough to have Christians in my life who were able to extend to me the acceptance and unconditional love of Jesus.

Share your feelings and/or thoughts on how faith has an effect on the Ellis County community: 

I think that Ellis County, like many other rural counties, has a strong faith presence.  However, I think among those who are not religious or don’t believe in God, there is a perception that Christians are hypocritical.  More and more Christians, especially the younger generations, are acknowledging this perspective and working to prove that their faith is different.

Our theme for our January ONE publication is “New Things.”  What are the new things you have found in your relationship with Christ? 

I have found acceptance and unconditional love.  With this, I can take a step back and see how many Christians have not been able to share this acceptance and unconditional love with others.  Fortunately, I think that is changing.  Christians are beginning to recognize the hypocrisies they have committed and are changing the way they see “others” to be a way of acceptance and unconditional love.

I knew the profile would be considered controversial when I wrote it (some conservative churches are part of the alliance), but never did I think it would result in two articles being rejected and two resignations within the Ministerial Alliance.  And why do they need to decide that it wouldn’t be safe for my family?  Do they not think I know how people feel about me being gay?  I’m pretty sure that as the one who’s gay, I have a better feel for how people will react to me and my family.

What do you think?  Was my profile worth all the hassle?

Why dreadlocks?

It has been just over three weeks since I started my dread journey for the second time.  My first journey lasted almost two years, but wasn’t meant to be forever.  I was naive about some things and took bad advice as good.  I just wanted dreads and didn’t know to be patient about the process.  I kept reading about how dreadlocks are a lifestyle, but I didn’t get it.

For my second journey, I conducted more research and really thought about why I wanted to have dreads.  This time, dreads aren’t the goal, they are just the (much wanted) result of reaching the goal.

I get tired of everyone being so caught up on looks.  How people dress, what their hair looks like, how much they weigh, where their clothes come from…

Dreads are my way of saying, I don’t care what you think of me.  Well, my way of saying I’m working on not caring what you think of me.  I’m just as guilty as the next person of wanting people to like me and to not judge me.  The dreadlocks are essentially forcing me to take a step back and be okay with myself no matter how I look.

They are also an opportunity for others to stop and look at themselves.  Why are you judging me and my hair?  Why does the way I look make you uncomfortable?

Football anyone?

It’s the week before I turn 33, and what am I doing?  Well, putting off the final Sammy the Cat blog because I don’t want to plug my phone into my computer.  But even more than that…I’m planning for football.  What is that?  Football has already started?  Not for me.  You see, I have been asked to play for the Kansas City Titans.

Let me take you back…

A couple months ago, I was watching one of the first episodes of the current season of the X Factor.  Have I mentioned that I am a sucker for reality (or semi-reality) TV?  Plus I have to learn the shows since eventually I will be on one.  But anyway, this one female contestant played professional football.  Professional Women’s Football?  Who knew?  I had to know more so I began searching the world wide web.

That’s when I learned there is a team in Kansas City and they were right in the middle of open tryouts.  Of course, I immediately wanted to be a part of this. (Leave your cliche lesbian jokes at home.  I’m serious.)  I emailed the contact person and was invited out.

So a couple weeks ago I attended open tryouts.  It felt good to be at practice and part of a team again.  I didn’t know how much I missed that.  Most of the women there were past players.  They instantly welcomed us knew comers into the pack and I left feeling pretty good about myself.

Back to now…

I have cleats, workout clothes, and gloves.  Now all I have to do is get into shape.  And get frequent driver miles to Kansas City.

Sammy the Cat – 4 days left

Our ginger animals have an interesting relationship.  They love to antagonize each other.  When Sammy the Cat gets crazy, he intentionally gets the attention of the dog, probably just to get him in trouble.  But Sammy was the first to become comfortable with the new puppy.

Snuggle Sammy

Snuggle Sammy

But when Sammy gets crazy like he did with four days left of house arrest…

He begins to scale things.  Which gets the dog interested…

And my time is spent separating the two.  How many days left?

Sammy the Cat – 5 days left

Even when Sammy is not under house arrest, he likes to get into things like any normal cat.  His favorite past time is opening cabinet doors.  He really likes to open the door and read the cook books.  He also occasionally helps clean the bathroom.

Sink Sammy

Sink Sammy

Sink Inspector Sammy

Sink Inspector Sammy

Playin-it-cool Sammy

Playin-it-cool Sammy

He also really likes electronics.  We know from yesterday that the decision to watch a movie can be daunting, but he’s always up to starting the DVD player.  I think it’s important to note that the DVD player sits on a shelf higher than my head.

DJ Sammy

DJ Sammy

With 5 days left, Sammy the Cat was ready for some adventure and took advantage of the dog being outside.

Ready-to-pounce Sammy

Ready-to-pounce Sammy

Semi-athletic Sammy

Semi-athletic Sammy

Playtime quickly ended when the dog came back inside, as no one is allowed to play but him.  So Sammy The Cat resigned himself to another lazy day.  Mid-afternoon, though, he was again attempting to find his own way outside, so I hooked him up to his kitty harness and we headed outside.  Even convicts get yard time.

Yard time Sammy

Yard time Sammy


Pissed-I-won't-let-him-jump-the-fence Sammy

Pissed-I-won’t-let-him-jump-the-fence Sammy

I’m not sure if the time outside helped him feel better or made him more irritable about not getting to go out whenever he wants.

He definitely didn’t calm down any upon reentering the house.  In fact, he got into some trouble…

Styrofoam Sammy

Styrofoam Sammy

Sammy the Cat – 6 days left

Sammy the Cat has an interesting relationship with the dog.  The dog chases him and pins him to the ground, steps on him and barks in his face.  I think Sammy likes it.  It makes moments like stealing the dog’s bed that much more pleasurable.

Revenge Sammy

Revenge Sammy

This day started like most of the others, Sammy crying and scratching at the door to be let out.  By early evening, things took an interesting turn.  The perceived depression of the previous day was no where to be found.  Instead, Sammy the cat was a ball of energy.

He found a box to play with…

Box Sammy

Box Sammy

When he got bored with that, he attempted to make the tough decision between watching a movie or lifting weights.

Indecisive Sammy

Indecisive Sammy

That decision ended up being too much for him so Sammy the Cat went about finding a new place to sleep.

Perforated Sammy

Perforated Sammy

Laying on top of the cage gave him the idea of showing me how he feels.

Caged Sammy

Caged Sammy

After a short rest, he was up and at it again.  This time I think he decided to run away, and did the best he could under house arrest…

Dollhouse Sammy

Dollhouse Sammy

Perhaps tomorrow I will take him for a jaunt in the backyard so he doesn’t feel so cooped up.

Sammy the Cat – 7 days left

It has been said that Sammy the Cat resembles Garfield.  He loves to eat.  He stalks and tricks the other animals.  And he sleeps like this…

Face plant Sammy

Face plant Sammy

Sammy the Cat has been under house arrest for 3 days now and the reality of his situation is hitting him.  He planted himself on our bed last night and even crawled underneath the covers.  This is very unusual for him as he doesn’t like to have his head covered and always needs to know his escape route.  He continued to sleep on the bed throughout the following day.

Bed Potato Sammy

Bed Potato Sammy

He finally ventured out of the bedroom in the early evening, but become instantly obsessed with the front door.


Door Sammy

Door Sammy

He eventually gave up and went back to sleep.  It wasn’t a good, or eventful, day.

Sammy the Cat – 8 days left

Sammy the Cat has 8 days left on house arrest.

He started off the morning with a bad case of the Mondays.

Case of the Mondays Sammy

Case of the Mondays Sammy

For those of you who know him, you will recognize the look of annoyance on his face.  By mid morning he was in mourning.  Batting helplessly at the door and crying to get out.

Mourning Sammy

Mourning Sammy

He was able to recover and sleep away most of the day.  I started to feel bad for him so I opened a window hoping it would allow him to almost feel like he was outside.  I think he appreciated the effort, but remained upset.

Window Sammy

Window Sammy

When evening came and all the other animals were going in and out, things really got hard for Sammy.  Every time the door opened, we had to hold him back.  I got several tail swishes, which can easily end in a warning bite (the reason we are in this situation in the first place).

He took this time to console himself the only way he knows how.

By eating.

Anxious Eater Sammy

Anxious Eater Sammy

A little history about Sammy the Cat…

When he is upset, mad, in trouble, anxious, or any other similar emotion, he eats.  He uses food to comfort himself.  This is obvious by the cleavage he presents when sitting.  I have a feeling it will only get worse this week.

After several suppers, I thought he had resigned himself for the night, finding a new place to escape.

Cubby Sammy

Cubby Sammy

However, as I write, I can hear him trying to get out the pet door and crying at his lack of success…

Introducing Sammy the Cat

Sammy the cat has been in my life for five years.

Quiet Sammy

He is usually only quiet when he is sleeping.  It has been rumored that his ancestors were part Bengal cat, but that has not been confirmed.  A more typical picture of him looks more like this:

Lego Sammy

Lego Sammy

Bubble Wrap Sammy

Bubble Wrap Sammy

One year after adopting him, I felt he was mature enough to stay home alone while we went on vacation.  I was wrong.  I received a call from animal control telling me he was in kitty jail.  I had to call a friend to bail him out.  This story is important because today, animal control showed up at our house.  Sammy apparently retaliated against a neighbor and is now under house arrest.

Shark Sammy

Shark Sammy

I’m pretty sure he felt betrayed by the neighbor.

Anyway, the last time he was not allowed to go outside, things got interesting.  Now that he has to be locked in the house for a total of ten days and we have a not-quite-one-year-old puppy, I’m a little nervous.  So I’m documenting the next nine days.

Wish me luck…